Drama A Game of Two Cities

A Moscow’s surgeon Lukashin gets drunk with his old friends and incidently gets on plane to Leningrad by mistake. There is a place in Leningrad which has the same address as Lukashin’s home address in Moscow so Lukashin mistakes it as his own home, which causes some misunderstandings between he and the hostess of the room Nadya. Each of them breaks up with their mates because of this accident. Under the new circumstance, fire of love begins to burn between these two lonely people.

The play takes the story from the work of the Former Soviet director, Ironiya sudby, ili S legkim parom! and is inspired by the Dutch historian Hejzinha's discussion that art originated from "games”. If we admit that art originated from games, then in the same way, the love in this play is like the dice in a board game. Whether you dare to reroll the dice before reaching the end of the game is the question that the two protagonists must consider.