"Colorful Guizhou—Festivals in the mountain"Fine Art Exhibition

Set in the theme of "Romantic Charm of Guizhou", the art exhibition series entitled Festivals in the Mountain display great works by painters in Guizhou Painting Institute. The artists have emerged themselves in daily life of the ordinary people and created paintings based on the festivals of ethnic groups including Miao, Dong, Yi, and Buyi. 

The program seeks to fully demonstrate the unique charm of Guizhou's rich and colorful ethnic culture to the nation and the world step by step. Meanwhile, it pursues better utility of the platform at China Shanghai International Arts Festival and comprehensively disseminate and display outstanding cultural achievements of Guizhou in an effort to get more Chinese and foreign audience involved in enjoying, perceiving and understanding the profound, colorful and rich artistic charm of Guizhou multi-ethnic culture. 

"Colorful Guizhou—Festivals in the mountain"Fine Art Exhibition

Date: 10.26-11.13 

Venue: China Art Museum